Friday, March 28, 2008

In a funk

My positive streak collapsed. I'm in a funk and can't get out. It's this accumulated mountain of crap that depresses me: the economy, China and Tibet, the weather, my yearning to travel to a very exotic, far away place (Maldives or Bali) and the potential leaders of our nation:( running for office.

I'm really looking forward to teaching this weekend, and have new music and new play lists made. That makes me happy<)

I went to Lush in Twelve Oaks and got some Karma powder, it smells so good I want to wear it every day. It's a nice blend of patchouli, citrus and really fresh, mellow undertones.

Think a happy thought for Me!


Anonymous said...

Cheer up... Spring is conming!Soon. I've never seen anyone maintain a positive, happy outlook for so long- which you did through the worst of conditions- winter in Michigan. You are a shining example to all your students- you help us see our own goodness, beauty and strength and are helping us get better at Yoga with every class we attend. Have faith you will get to your dream destination- when the time is right. I have one too- Tahiti or Fiji. Lets hang on to our dreams! and continue being the good person you are. You have the power to impact lives and you are doing it!

Yoga Trish said...

My dream is to go to a month long yoga school in India. The reality is that I can't leave my kids for that long. Thank you for the kind words!!