Sunday, May 24, 2009

So much to say!

At church today our Pastor said that we have to weather many storms in our lives, just as Jesus and the disciples did when the sea tossed their boat to the point of near death. The point he made was that we need to trust Jesus to be there and to have faith that we will be okay. I can honestly say that I feel at peace and generally happy. I feel free from the anxiety of worrying about the economy and the future, as those are not in my control. I just trust God that I will be fine and work my hardest to serve his as best as I can. I feel so fortunate to be able to share yoga and the message of peaceful acceptance and gratitude with all those that practice with me. I try to be very careful not to come across as I am attempting to evangelize. There are better times and places for that. My hope for all who practice with me is that they can come to a realization that they are where they should be and that they will be fine if they find internal happiness. freedom from external expectations is bliss in itself!

My blogging has really suffered due to my early nights. I did have one cup of coffee this morning, and did not enjoy it. Just checking. Rosehip and green tea worked well today. A few months ago I was thinking about tracking down a book or resource to help me balance vegan recipes. I am very concerned about getting the right amount of amino acids, proper protein and other essential nutrients. I serve quite a few vegan meals to my family and want to make sure that we aren't going to become malnourished. I have been pretty obsessed with nutrition and my kid's health and vitality are a pretty good indication that I have been doing my best.

We watched the Secret tonight, again. I swear we need to watch it over and over to remind ourselves, especially the kids that the Law of Attraction pervades all in our lives. I try to live in bliss as much as I can and can honestly say that compared to a few years ago, I am not the same person that I was, in such a good way! I was not a bad person, just a nervous, competitive, anxious and materialistic one. Wow, it is really easy to say that now, honesty is very telling of where we were and where we are now. So the point about the Secret is that we can attract what we need. I found an awesome book about vegan nutrition for athletes! Brendan Brazier took two years to develop a balanced nutrition profile that meets his needs as a Professional Ironman Triathlete. It has a lot of good recipes, many raw and very easy to use. Hey the secret worked! The book is titled Thrive, The Vegan Nutrition Guide.

We went to One World Market and got some Japanese food and then went to Happy Hippo Pastry house to get our favorite pastries.

I'm so excited about the conference. I am going to blog a lot of pics of our conference antics and will give tips along the way that I pick up.

My mother in law is having a ball in Hong Kong and is really enjoying her time with baby Ashton. He is such a cutie!

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