Wednesday, April 29, 2009

8 days of freedom!

I am over the hump and do not crave coffee anymore!!! I am going to bed early and feeling rested when I wake up. I do have to say that my late night computer antics have suffered and my emails are piling up. I barely have time to blog or play on Itunes during the day, so I usually update everything after the kids go to bed. Now I am in bed too!

I have to say that this week is flying! I am having a huge party next Saturday and have so much to do. I went to Ikea and bought a ton of glass storage jars to put all my beans, grains and flours in. I cleaned out my kitchen pantry, organized everything and now I can actually find everything! Oh Martha Stewart would be so proud! An old friend once compared me to Martha Stewart, when my sister heard this she couldn't stop laughing and literally choked on her drink...Hmm who knows me better? My sis definitely, I think this old friend was a bit competitive and insecure. Just a thought! I am hoping to get my entire house completely organized this year, I mean everything! It's been seven years in this house, and I have never had a chance to totally organize everything...long story about how we moved in in one a lot of things in storage never got properly sorted and my kids have grown out of their "baby" stuff. I purged the upstairs and now on to the mudroom pantry and the garage! I watched a DIY show about organizing and this guy said that you can waste up to an hour a day looking for stuff. An hour that I could be doing something else! Time to get busy!!

Hop to that task that you have been putting off. Even if it means that you only can spend an hour or two on it. Little bits add up!

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